Audio Recordings
Felix' Paintings
Felix' Domes & Domus
Church of Beethoven
Lisa Gill Poems
Felix' Notes on Playing
Felix employed a number of vehicles that interested him
and he dreamed of others.
Here are a few captured in photos:
In the MG with Tango
the cello, of course.
Bucky Fuller inspired performance dome, custom made metal and canvas
cello and tandem bikes.....
one of a number of camper van-type contraptions
mg in the snow......
mg in the high desert
the beloved datsun
see how many "vehicles" you can count!
sharing the wagon
tire swing on a great tree - check that original gazebo before it fell in the big snow of 1967
in a younger tree - before those fabulous houses across the street made way for more high school field
road sign of note
more road sign!
the bicyclist's life
with airplane
with windmill
with cactus
on foot
what do you see?
stepping stones
have vw, will hang out
have camper van, will travel.
have cello, will teach
lake side rocks, Chi-town
have suit, will perform
some kind of truck
with Aunty Pat and Uncle Haydn
the kid erected fort at Nags Head NC beach
with Rose, who raised us from babyhood
with loyal companion, Tango
well, it wasn't his, but he liked it.
Creator and Founder of Church of Beethoven
surf board in the desert
coffee for you
found warehouse
to build Church of Beethoven stage
and a postal jeep to carry everything - including multiple chairs for Church of Beethoven
the vehicle of music